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Corona Chamber of Commerce

Representing the Interest of Business with Government
Promoting Political Action for a Favorable Business Climate

Our "watchdog," the Legislative Action Committee (LAC), is an invaluable resource to the Corona Chamber and its members. Composed completely of Chamber members, this volunteer committee's mission is to maintain a favorable business climate in Riverside County and the State. LAC discusses current issues and bills that affect business and makes recommendations for Chamber members to then act upon. They assemble letter-writing campaigns, initiate discussions with legislators, and send representatives to speak on the floor during hearings in Sacramento. All funding for this advocacy program is provided by the proceeds of the prior year's Legislative Dinner/Monte Carlo fundraiser. Contact us for more info! Membership in the Legislative Action Committee is selected to represent the business makeup of our service area.

Our legislative action committee has monthly in-person meetings that our members can attend. These meetings are held to keep the business community informed and up to date on critical legislative updates that affect their business. Our meetings are FREE to attend for members.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 14 at 11:30am at Graziano's in Corona.


The 2024 legislative year is just getting started with many pieces of legislation being introduced in California. Throughout the year, The Corona Chamber will be actively taking positions on many of the important pieces of legislation that could affect your business. So far this year the Chamber has already taken a position on a couple of bills. Please see below for some of the positions that we have already taken in 2024, this list will be updated regularly.

  • 3/20 Signed on to oppose AB 2374 which transforms the Displaced Janitor Opportunity Act into a joint liability statute under which any size company in California becomes liable for the failure of a contractor to comply with the Act and is now responsible for new notice and scheduling obligations for workers who are not its employees.
  • 3/25 Signed on to oppose AB 2499 which would expand existing employee leave related to crimes
  • 4/1 signed on to oppose SB 1299 Farmworkers: Benefits/Heat illness presumption
  • 4/1 signed on to oppose AB 2751 Employer communications during nonworking hours
  • 4/1 signed on to oppose SB 1345 Employment discrimination: criminal history information
  • 4/17 signed on to oppose SB 1167 Prohibit Single-Use Drinking Vessels
  • 4/17 signed on to oppose SB 1103 Unwarranted Restrictions on Commercial Leases
  • 4/19 signed on to oppose AB 2878 Unemployment Insurance
  • 4/19 signed on to oppose SB 1116 Unemployment Insurance for Strikers
  • 5/13 signed on to oppose SB 1327 7.25% Digital Ad Tax
  • 5/21 signed on to Californians for Public Safety Coalition
  • 5/24 signed on to Support SB 1420 Hydrogen bill
  • 5/30 signed on to oppose ACA 16 Constitutional amendment that could halt housing development, clean energy construction and infrastructure projects
  • 6/6 signed on to oppose AB 2557 Government contracting with small businesses
  • 6/21 signed letter to support AB 2288 & SB 92. PAGA Reform.


Legislators Contact Info

Legislative Summits

Two legislative summits are scheduled each year: once to Sacramento (typically in early May/late June) and once to Washington, D.C. (typically in early Fall). Every attendee pays a registration fee and is responsible for all travel, lodging, meals, and expenses.

See below for a recap of each in our bi-monthly publication.

Our 2024 dates have been announced!

Sacramento Legislative Summit was held May 7th-9th, 2024.

Washington DC Summit will be held in September 20-25, 2024

It's not too late to get involved! Click here to get more information.

Legislative Action Committee Platform 2024

View our detailed 2024 platform HERE or below

2023-2024 LAC Chair:
Jeff Miller, Miller Insurance Agency
(951) 738-8500
Send an email

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